Answer: Descriptive analysis In the descriptive statistics The data could be collected from either a sample or a population, but ...
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaire method?
Advantages: Probably the greatest benefit of the method is its adaptability. It can be shaped in a manner that can be easily understood ...
Write short notes on Mark-up pricing
Answer: Mark-up pricing : This is the simplest method of setting the price of a product. In this method, the final price of a product ...
Write short notes on Break –even pricing
Answer : T his is the method of cost-oriented pricing and is also called target profit pricing. It uses the concept of break-even chart,...
Write short notes on Valuation of Shares
Answer: Valuation of Shares A company’s shares can be categorised into: Ordinary or equity shares Preference shares ...
Write short notes on Zero coupon bonds
Zero coupon bonds In India, zero coupon bonds are alternatively known as Deep Discount Bonds (DDBs). These bonds became very pop...
Write short notes on Irredeemable bonds
Answer : Irredeemable bonds or perpetual bonds Bonds which will never mature are known as irredeemable or perpetual bonds. India...