GATT was a multilateral
agreement with a set of rules which were not enforceable. It had no
institutional framework and a very small secretariat
WTO is a permanent institution
with its own secretariat.
It was applied on a provisional
initially and continued to be
treated like
that even after 40 years of its
Its commitments are full and permanent.
GATT applied to only trade in merchandise
WTO applies to both trade of merchandise
goods and services anf also trade related aspects of Intellectual Property
Agreements constituting GATT
were initially multilateral in nature but by 1980s many new agreements which were
added were pluri-lateral or of selective nature.
All agreements are multilateral
in nature and involve commitments by all members.
GATT dispute settlement was
slower and with a lot of hurdles.
WTO dispute settlement is more automatic
and faster than that of GATT.
GATT existed until 1995 as GATT
1994-which was an updated
version of
GATT 1947
WTO agreements still
constitutes ‘GATT 1994’ focusing on disciplines regarding international