  • Production philosophy
  • Mean Time to Repair
  • Maintenance documentation
  • Online or permanent condition monitoring
Production philosophy
A production philosophy varies across different organizations depending on their requirements, business model, and the nature and size of business. However, the common focus area of any production philosophy is to deliver products to customers with the required quality and within the given time while maintaining efficient production and low cost. In the words of Waldemar Karwowski, (Professor, University of Central Florida, USA.),“A production philosophy refers to a generic way of designing technology and the organization in order to achieve specific objectives. A production philosophy affects a number of components in the manufacturing system: production layout, machine design, work organization, skill requirements and means of managerial control.”

Mean Time to Repair
It is the expected time for restoring machines and equipment back to their working condition. If a service is donated by u, then the MTTR is the inverse of the service rate, i.e. 1/u. It acts as a measure of the maintainability of machines and equipment.

MTTR= Total maintenance time/number of repairs

Maintenance documentation
Organizations need to perform a large number of activities on a day-to-day basis irrespective of the type of their businesses. They have to ensure that the knowledge related to all these activities is available and accessible to all the associated personnel for future references. For this, documentation of all these activities is required. A document is a collection of data recorded to be used by individuals or machines.

Online or permanent condition monitoring
The main function of a permanent condition monitoring system is to provide warning signs that a machine is operating inappropriately or is to be shut when a pre-set safety limit is exceeded, thereby preventing disastrous failures and destruction. Online monitoring incurs a huge cost of an organization; thus performed in critical applications, such as:

  • When maintenance personnel are not available for measuring variations,
  • A machine or equipment needs to be shut down in case of emergency,
  • A sudden fault occurs that may require immediate shut down of machine,
  • Where human involvement is not permitted for measuring variations due to safety concerns (emission of toxic gases, high temperature, etc.).