Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML): HTML is a method where ordinary text can be converted into hypertext. It is a set of special codes included to control the layout and appearance of the text. Technically, HTML is not a programming language. It combines instruction within data to tell a display program called browser, how to render the data that the document contains.

The following is the structure of HTML:

<head> about authors </head>
<title> First Page </title>
<h1> Hello this my Home page!

< HTML>: This tag defines the top most elements, identifying it as an HTML document.
<Head>: This tag contains information about your HTML file.
<Title>: This tag is nested within the head tag. It identifies your page to the rest of the world. Output of tag is displayed on your browser’s title bar but does not appear as part of the page.

<body>:This is a body part of your HTML web page. Within this tag all the various tag is used. Every tag has prespecified attributes and there possible values.

Inserting Images: To insert images in your page use <img> tag as follows:

<img src=”flower.gif” height=”100" width=”100" border=”1">

Linking the HTML page: To link one HTML to another use anchor tag as follows:
<a href = “first.html” > Click me </a>

Setting font size: We can set font of text by using font tag as follows:
<font face=”Arial” size=”4" color=”red”>

Ex: Create a webpage that prints a name ‘Rajesh’ to the screen.
<!— print name to the screen —>

On Screen: Rajesh