The 5Ss are as follows:
§  Sort/segregate – Remove all items not needed for current production operations. Leave only the bare essentials: When in doubt, throw it out. Space, time, money, energy, and other resources can be managed and used most effectively. Reduces problems and annoyances in the work flow. Improves communication between workers. Increases product quality. Enhances productivity.
§  Simplify/straighten – Arrange and use analysis tools to improve the work flow and reduce wasted motion. Consider long-run and short-run ergonomic issues. Label and display for easy use only what is needed in the immediate work area.
§  Shine/sweep – Clean daily; eliminate all forms of dirt, contamination, and clutter from the work area.
§  Standardise – Remove variations from the process by developing standard operating procedures and checklists; develop good standards. Standardise equipment and tooling so that cross-training time and cost are reduced. Training and retraining the work team eliminate deviations.

§  Sustain/self-discipline – Making a habit of properly maintaining correct procedures. Instill discipline necessary to avoid backsliding. Consequences of not keeping to the course of action greater than consequences of keeping to it.