
Under FDI an MNC enters a foreign country to produce the same products or provide the same service which are produced or provided in home country. In this way the same technology is transferred to the host country along with the resources. FDI has become popular in international business because of following factors:

  • Increase in global trade and opening up of new markets.
  • Development of new technologies and easy transfer process.
  • Economic reforms followed by most of the countries across the world.
  • Establishments of common markets and regional blocks such as EU, ASEAN, OPEC etc.
  • Lower operating cost in host country.
  • Acquisition of know-how and technical knowledge available in the host country.
  • High transport cost associated with exporting.
  • Need to protect intellectual property rights.

Technology driven FDI is used by firms that rely on the application of state of the art technology for their competitive advantage. The purpose of FDI is to compete with local firms who use out of date technology or introduce new products in foreign markets.