
The Reserve Bank of India Act of 1934 has handed over all the important functions of a central bank to the Reserve Bank of India.

Bank of Issue
Under Section 22 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, the RBI has the sole right to issue bank notes of all denominations. The distribution of one rupee notes and coins and small coins all over the country is undertaken by the Reserve Bank as agent of the government
Banker to the Government
The second important function of the Reserve Bank of India is to act as Government banker, agent and adviser. The Reserve Bank is agent of Central Government and of all State Governments in India excepting that of Jammu and Kashmir.
Bankers' Bank and Lender of the Last Resort
The Reserve Bank of India acts as the bankers' bank. According to the provisions of the Banking Companies Act of 1949, every scheduled bank was required to maintain with the Reserve Bank a cash balance equivalent to 5 per cent of its demand liabilities and 2 per cent of its time liabilities in India.
Controller of Credit
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) acts as the controller of credit. This implies that the RBI has the power to manipulate the volume of credit created by banks in India. This can be done by changing the Bank rate or by means of open market operations.
Custodian of Foreign Exchange Reserves
The Reserve Bank of India has the responsibility to maintain the official rate of exchange. According to the Reserve Bank of India Act to 1934, the Bank was required to buy and sell at fixed rates any amount of sterling in lots of not less than