Selection is the process of putting the right person on the right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective selection can be done only when there is effective matching of requirement and potential. By selecting best candidate for the required job, the organization gets quality performance of employees.
Moreover, organizations face less of absenteeism, less employee turnover problems, increased motivation and job involvement and higher productivity. By selecting right candidate for the required job, organizations also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested after they are screened through the selection procedure.
According to Dale Yoder, “the hiring process is one or many ‘go, no-go ‘gauges. Candidates are screened by the application of these tools. Qualified applicants go on to the next hurdle, while the unqualified are eliminated.”