leadership helps to attain strategic productivity. By encouraging employees to
implement their original ideas, a strategic leader helps the employees to
project their individual needs with those of the organization. Strategic
leadership also helps to look at the broader picture by providing objectivity
and potential.
The traits of strategic leaders which help to set them
apart from other managers –
a) Loyalty – Effective
leaders are loyal to their vision by means of both words and deeds. They also
exhibit the quality of loyalty towards the organization as well as their sub-
ordinates, thereby gaining the confidence of the employees.
b) Updation of
information – Effective leaders are updated about the information and
events which happen within their organizations. They collect information from
both formal as well as informal sources and keep themselves current with such
c) Correct use
of power – Effective leaders do not push for their ideas to be implemented.
They are patient and listen to the suggestions of employees and try to develop
a consensus for their ideas.
d) Wide
perspective – Strategic leaders have a wide spectrum of knowledge about a
variety of fields. They do not narrow themselves to their speciality but try to
understand the entire workings of the business for formulating effective
e) Motivation –
Strategic leaders are self-motivated and have the zest to perform their
work, beyond the compulsions of power or money.
f) Patience and
Compassion – A good strategic leader is able to work with patience and does
not push his ideas forward.
g) Self-control
– Strategic leaders exercise self-restraint and are able to control their
moods and personal wishes before making an organizational decision.
h) Social and
Interpersonal skills – A good leader enjoys the company of his
sub-ordinates and is able to connect with them on a professional and personal
i) Delegation –
An effective leader is well-versed in the art of delegation. He knows when
the work needs to be delegated to sub-ordinates so that he is not overloaded
with work.
j) Reliability
– A good leader maintains open channels of communication and earns the
trust of his subordinates.
k) Intelligence and
emotional balance – A good leader needs to possess above average
intelligence and also needs to maintain his emotional balance at all times.
These traits enable him to grasp situations easily and reduce the reaction